Nexus Fellowships Program for African Students

Nexus Fellowships Program for African Students (Full Educational Benefits)

Short Detail of :

schoolInstitute Name: .
map Country to Study in: .
book Courses Offered:  .
reading Degree Level: .
student Students Nationality: .
funding Scholarship Award: .
calendar Last Date/Dead Line: .

Description of Scholarship:

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announced by for to study in . The scholarship allows level programm(s) in the field(s) of taught at . The last date of applying for this scholarship is and scholarship provide to successful candidates.

The provide a golden chance to to complete their studies in the field(s) of at on scholarship.

Nexus Fellowships Program for African Students: Princeton in Africa has designed the Princeton in Africa Nexus Fellowship program to enrich professional growth in African continents and bring young educated professionals to Africa. Students can apply for the academic year 2023-2024.

Graduates holding an undergraduate degree, a master’s degree (or equivalent), or a Ph.D. from an African University are eligible to participate in this fellowship program. This fellowship program will cover application and tuition fees, transportation, roundtrip airfare, medical expenses, etc. The applicants must be students from African countries to be considered.

Princeton in Africa is an independent non-profit organization affiliated with Princeton University that helps future leaders develop lifelong connections to the people and nations of Africa. Princeton in Africa encourages its Fellows to cultivate meaningful relationships with communities in Africa and one another.

The Princeton in Africa organization offers highly selective yearlong fellowships to recent college graduates with organizations across the African continent. Their work enables its fellows to make significant contributions to Africa’s well-being. The Princeton in Africa fellows have helped improve education and public health, source fresh water and alternative energy, increase family incomes, and much more.

Nexus Fellowships Program for African Students
Nexus Fellowships Program for African Students

Nexus Fellowships Program Benefits

The winning candidates will be provided with the following benefits:

  • $75 nonrefundable application fee
  • $350 program placement fee
  • Transportation to and from the university
  • Roundtrip airfare
  • Pre-departure medical expenses
  • Visa and work permit costs, where applicable
  • Sundries and recreational travel

Requirements Criteria for Scholarship:

How to Apply for Scholarship:

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