International DAAD Awards, Germany

International DAAD Awards, Germany

Short Detail of International DAAD Awards:

schoolInstitute Name: Charite University.
map Country to Study in: Germany.
book Courses Offered:  Science in International Health.
reading Degree Level: Masters.
student Students Nationality: International students.
funding Scholarship Award: Tuition fee.
calendar Last Date/Dead Line: 15th October, 2021,.

Description of Scholarship:

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International DAAD Awards announced by Charite University for International students to study in Germany. The scholarship allows Masters level programm(s) in the field(s) of Science in International Health taught at Charite University. The last date of applying for this scholarship is 15th October, 2021, and scholarship provide Tuition fee to successful candidates.

The Charite University provide a golden chance to International students to complete their studies in the field(s) of Science in International Health at Germany on scholarship.

If you want to study in Germany but don’t have adequate funds, you can apply for the DAAD Scholarships at Charite University. The scholarship program is open to all international applicants for the academic year 2021-2022.

Students from international countries who need financial support to pursue a higher degree in Germany are offered this application towards a Master of Science in International Health degree study. Eligible students will be awarded the tuition fee of the master’s program at Charite University.

Requirements Criteria for Scholarship:

To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:

  • The applicants must two years of related experience.

How to Apply for Scholarship:

Applicants are required to fill the application form and submit it alongside the below-mentioned documents at [email protected]. The students need to fill this form and submit [email protected] to apply for the DAAD Scholarship.

Award: The selected applicants will receive funding towards the Master of Science in International Health program fee at Charite University.

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