Find scholarships for study abroad in universities of Germany, to complete your higher studies in different fields and degrees.
- Alexander von Humboldt foundation
- Anglia Ruskin University
- Bauhaus University
- Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies
- Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
- Berlin Mathematical School
- Berlin School of Creative Leadership
- Berlin School of Economics and Law
- Berlin School of Mind and Brain
- Berlin University of the Arts
- BioMed X Innovation Center
- Brandenburg University of Technology
- Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences(BIGSSS)
- Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
- Einstein Center for Neurosciences
- ESMT Berlin
- European Management School
- European Molecular Biology Organization
- European School of Management and Technology
- European School of Materials
- Folkwang University of the Arts
- Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Frankfurt School
- Free University of Berlin
- Freie Universität Berlin
- Friedrich Ebert Foundation
- German Aerospace Center
- Goethe-Institut
- Graduate School of East Asian Studies
- Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences
- HafenCity University
- Hamburg Institute for Social Research
- Heidelberg University
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
- Helmholtz Zentrum München
- Hertie School of Governance Germany
- HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
- Hochschule Osnabrück
- Hof University of Applied Sciences
- Humboldt University of Berlin
- Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Institute for European Integration
- Institute for Web Science and Technologies
- Institute of Contemporary History
- Institute of Molecular Biology
- International Max Planck Research School
- International Max Planck Research School for Computer Science
- International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE)
- IUBH University of Applied Sciences
- Joachim Herz Stiftung
- Käte Hamburger Kolleg
- Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
- Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies
- Leibniz Institute of European History
- Leipzig Graduate School of Management
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Ludwig-Maximilian University
- Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
- Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin
- Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems
- Max Planck Institute
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing
- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
- Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
- Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
- Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
- Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
- Max Planck Research School
- Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science
- Max Planck Sciences Po Center
- Max-Planck Institute
- Merck KGaA
- Munich Business School
- Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
- Northern Institute of Technology Management
- Nuremberg Summer Academy
- Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
- Ruhr University Bochum
- Schule Schloss Salem
- Technical University of Berlin
- Technical University of Munich
- Technische Universität Dresden
- The Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)
- The Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics
- TU Berlin Summer University
- Universities of Cologne
- University Hannover
- University of Applied Sciences Offenburg
- University of Bamberg
- University of Bayreuth
- University of Bonn
- University of Cologne
- University of Duisburg-Essen
- University of Düsseldorf
- University of Erfurt
- University of Flensburg
- University of Freiburg
- University of Göttingen
- University of Hamburg
- University of Hohenheim
- University of Kaiserslautern
- University of Kassel
- University of Kiel
- University of Koblenz and Landau
- University of Konstanz
- University of Leibniz
- University of Mannheim
- University of Münster
- University of Oldenburg
- University of Osnabrück
- University of Passau
- University of Potsdam
- University of Regensburg
- University of Stuttgart
- University of Würzburg
- Volkswagen Foundation
- Westfälische Wilhelms-University
- WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
- Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
- Zentrum Digitaleisierung.Bayern